There is a total of about 20 of us but the flight doesn't leave for almost two hours and this leg is domestic so it's to be expected.
Apparently a lot of people were delayed this morning (I would imagine the rain had something to do with that) in their arrivals to the airport, while I was waiting to check in at least 10 people needed over-rides because they were late. I however am much to paranoid for lateness for a flight.
I feel like I left something at home...probably like everyone who makes a major (or minor for that matter) trip. But I have checked and double checked all my lists and they are all crossed off so I should be fine.
Thank you to everyone who has wished me well and safe travels. I really have no control over it...I'm not the one flying the plane after all...but I will do my best not to perish while abroad.
I am under the impression we are flying relatively over land the whole way. The flight path online says up and over Alaska across to Russia and then down to Beijing but of course this could be incorrect because that was straight from Denver.
Either way, I'm fairly confident I will make it alive and also survive and thrive while there.
Well faithful readers (I've always wanted to write that) I leave you here and I will see you...6,000 miles away.
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